Geocache Geocaching Maintenance Kit
Waterproof Log Books, Bags, Pens & Pencils
Geocache Field Repair or Maintenance Kit
All Ready to use for Geocaching
35 items for essential Geocache Maintenance
An absolute MUST to carry out Field Repairs
All contained in a Tough Plastic Popper Bag or Tough Camo Zipped Canvas Bag
This is a smaller version of our other Kit
1 x Pencil Sharpener
3 x Mini Pens
3 x Mini Pencils
2 x Small Waterproof Logbooks (200+ Entries)
4 x Micro Log Strips Waterproof 35mm wide
4 x Micro Log Strips Waterproof 25mm wide
4 x Nano Log Strips Waterproof 8mm wide
4 x 3.9cm x 6cm Ziplock bags
4 x 5.5cm x 7.4cm Ziplock bags
4 x 7.5cm x 8.5cm Ziplock bags
2 x 15cm x 24cm Ziplock bags
All Printed on WATER, GREASE & RIP PROOF virtually indestructiblePaper